Frances in Germany

I studied for a little over one year in Paderborn Germany, from July 2005 to August 2006. These are my accounts of life in Germany. Enjoy the mishaps, spaniards, and super bees, I sure did!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Excuses...I really am busy!

So, for those people in my life (and those who read this whom I’ve never met),  I have an explanation as to why my blog was abandoned for almost a month.  I’m very busy right now!  Germany is weird when it comes to school.  All semester long you only have to read and keep up with the class discussion.  Then after the class gets out you have to do your term paper.  Yes, after class.  Credits for german classes are awarded by how much work you actually do.  If you do a presentation, a paper, and take an exam, you get 6 credits.  If you only do two of those things, you get 4 credits.  If you do one of those things you get 2 credits (or if you do two of them and just write a shorter paper than 20 pages).  Now this is not terribly important to me, as I only get credit for the equivalent class at Western.  I get the number of credits that Western awards for that course, not what Paderborn awards.  So I do only 4 credits worth of work.  Sometimes 2 credits are only pass/fail courses and I don’t get a real grade.  I need the grade.  So I’ve been spending my days working on papers.  I just finished one that was 5 pages and now I have one that has to bee 10-20 pages and one that has to be 8-20 pages that are due on the 31st.  Oh, by the way, I’m going to Spain from the 21st to the 25th.  So there’s about five days where I can’t work on my papers.  

Now that you have heard my excuses…please leave a comment whenever you read my blog.  Whether you’re family, friend or someone I’ve never met, comments are appreciated.  It means someone is listening.  I like when you listen.  It makes me happy.  My blog will probably be a little idle for the next two weeks, but then I’ll have all kinds of fun things from Spain to tell you, so just hold on…it’s coming!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're working on those papers. Have fun in Spain, soak up some sun for me:)

10:28 PM  
Blogger Arik The Human Temple said...

huh?! I'm sorry did you say something? I wasn't listening.

5:11 AM  

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